List of talks and presentations
Cattolica University of the Sacred Hearth, Milan, Italy - Compressive Bayesian non-negative matrix factorization for mutational signature analysis. - Invited seminar
ICSDS2024, Nice, France - Compressive Bayesian non-negative matrix factorization for mutational signature analysis. - Contributed talk
ISBA2024, Venice, Italy - Compressive Bayesian non-negative matrix factorization for mutational signature analysis. - Invited talk
ISBA2024, Venice, Italy - Bayesian nonparametric modeling of latent partitions via Stirling-gamma priors. - Poster
CMstat2023, Berlin, Germany - Bayesian nonparametric modeling of latent partitions via Stirling-gamma priors. - Invited talk
EcoSta2023, Tokyo, Japan - Bayesian nonparametric modeling of latent partitions via Stirling-gamma priors. - Invited talk
NESS2023, Boston, MA, USA - Bayesian nonparametric modeling of latent partitions via Stirling-gamma priors. - Invited talk
CMstat2022, London, UK - Inferring taxonomic placement from DNA barcoding aiding in discovery of new taxa. - Invited talk
BNP13, Puerto Varas, Chile - Bayesian nonparametric modeling of latent partitions via Stirling-gamma priors. - Poster
ISBA2022, Montreal, Canada - Inferring taxonomic placement from DNA barcoding aiding in discovery of new taxa. - Poster
Luomos SYKE Machine Learning seminar II, Virtual - Taxonomic classification methods for DNA sequences. - Contributed talk
ISBA2021, virtual - Bayesian modeling of sequential discoveries. - Contributed talk
ISBA2021, virtual - Inferring taxonomic placement from DNA barcoding aiding in discovery of new taxa. - Contributed talk
Sessions organized and chaired
- ISBA2024, Venice, Italy. Organizer and chair of Bayesian methods in Ecology, invited session . Speakers:
- Bokgyeong Kang, Duke University - Analyzing whale calls through Hawkes processes modeling.
- Michele Peruzzi, University of Michigan - Bayesian multi-species N-mixture models for large scale spatial data in community ecology.
- Narmadha M. Mohankumar, Pacific Northwest National Lab. - Using machine learning to model nontraditional spatial dependence in occupancy data.
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